totemo blocks
Magnetic wooden block people - toy / art object prototype
I love collectible toys, but I dislike the idea of collecting a bunch of plastic bits and pieces that don't actually do anything. Totemo is a set of colorful stacking blocks that snap together magnetically and represent a colorful variety of characters and people.
I made a prototype, including packaging, using an early technique (you can see me making one in the video below) for a friend's wedding. Since that used an adhesive printed fabric for the designs, the wood texture was lost completely in the final product. I've since developed a new technique for transferring ink designs directly to the wood precisely using a custom 3D-printed frame.
I have not worked out the full direction for Totemo yet - I plan to make limited edition sets based around various themes - Hindu mythology, Art history and so on.
Concept - AK
Design - AK
Design Consultant - LF
Construction - AK